Halo teman-teman semua, bagaimana kabar anda? Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membahas sedikit mengenai arsitektur Bali Modern atau dikenal juga dengan istilah arsitektur Neo Vernacular. Mungkin teman2 disini pernah mendengar mengenai arsitektur Bali modern tsb. Sebenarnya apakah yang dimaksud dengan arsitektur bali modern atau neo vernacular??
Istilah "Bali" modern, "Jawa" modern atau "arsitektur daerah" modern didalam ilmu arsitektur disebut aliran "arsitektur Neo Vernacular”. Jadi jadi aliran Neo Vernacular adalah aliran arsitektur yang memasukkan langgam ciri khas daerah tertentu yang dikemas kedalam style yang lebih baru. Apa bedanya dengan arsitektur tradisional Bali? Bedanya adalah arsitektur Neo Vernacular hanya mengambil langgam atau ornamennya saja, tapi tidak mengambil keseluruhan konsepnya.
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Desain Villa 375 |
Contoh dalam hal ini adalah desain kami “Villa Batanghari” (Seperti gambar di samping) yang penggunaan angkul angkul Bali (pintu masuk di depan rumah) sudah 'dimodifikasi' bentuknya. Pada desain ini langgam ornament arsitektur tradisional yaitu angkul-angkul tersebut disederhanakan bentuknya mengikuti style atau gaya yang sedang tren saat ini. Selain itu, jika dikatakan “modern” juga sebenarnya kurang tepat, karena dalam arsitektur tidak dikenal istilah waktu “modern” atau “lampau” (bisa dikatakan “Beauty is Timeless”… hehehe), dan dalam bahasa arsitektur bisa dikatakan, lebih sedikit ornament.
Jadi kesimpulannya, 'Arsitektur Bali modern adalah, aliran arsitektur yang mengambil beberapa langgam atau ornamen arsitektur Bali yang disederhanakan bentuknya mengikuti style yang sedang tren saat itu. Demikian postingan kami mengenai Arsitektur Neo Vernacular ini.. mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi teman-teman semua :)
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What is Neo Vernacular??
Hi guys, how are you doing? In this post I will discuss a bit about modern Balinese architecture or also known as Neo Vernacular architecture. Maybe some of you ever heard of modern Balinese architecture. Actually what is modern Balinese architecture or neo vernacular concept?
The term "Bali" modern, "Java" modern or "regional architecture" of modern architecture in the science stream called "Neo Vernacular architecture". So, the concept is Neo Vernacular architectural style is combined typical style of certain areas that are packed into a newer style. What's the difference with traditional Balinese architecture? The difference is Neo Vernacular architectural just take the style or ornament but not take the whole concept.
An example of this is our design "Villa Batanghari" (As the image above) the use of angkul angkul Bali (entrance in front of the house) has been 'modified'. In this design style, traditional architectural ornament that is angkul-angkul simplified to follow the styles that are current trends. Also, if it says "modern" also is not appropriate, because the architecture is not known when the term "modern" or "past" (to say "Beauty is Timeless" ... hehehe), and in the language of architecture can be said, it has less ornament.
So in conclusion, 'is a modern Balinese architecture, the architecture concept that takes some Balinese architectural style or ornament a simplified style that is shaped to follow the trend at that time. So we post this on Neo Vernacular Architecture .. hopefully useful to you :)
The term "Bali" modern, "Java" modern or "regional architecture" of modern architecture in the science stream called "Neo Vernacular architecture". So, the concept is Neo Vernacular architectural style is combined typical style of certain areas that are packed into a newer style. What's the difference with traditional Balinese architecture? The difference is Neo Vernacular architectural just take the style or ornament but not take the whole concept.
An example of this is our design "Villa Batanghari" (As the image above) the use of angkul angkul Bali (entrance in front of the house) has been 'modified'. In this design style, traditional architectural ornament that is angkul-angkul simplified to follow the styles that are current trends. Also, if it says "modern" also is not appropriate, because the architecture is not known when the term "modern" or "past" (to say "Beauty is Timeless" ... hehehe), and in the language of architecture can be said, it has less ornament.
So in conclusion, 'is a modern Balinese architecture, the architecture concept that takes some Balinese architectural style or ornament a simplified style that is shaped to follow the trend at that time. So we post this on Neo Vernacular Architecture .. hopefully useful to you :)
(source: I.B Sasra Bhanutama & Emporio Architect)
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* Want to make a boarding-lodging house? can see here
* Want to see our Villa design? see here
* Want to make a boarding-lodging house? can see here
* Want to see our Villa design? see here
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